Saturday 24 December 2011

Happy Christmas

Grumpy would like to wish you all a merry merry Christmas!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Trolley Rage! I hate shopping!

Walking around my local supermarket, I didn't realise how competitive and dangerous people can become, all to get a bargain. It was trolley against trolley as these people were just oblivious to anyone around them, all they could focus on was the sale rail.

I always thought that we lived in a civilised society, I think I must have been wrong. The sight of these people shoving and pushing each other so that could grab a handful of cheaper clothing was nothing short of embarrassing. Scavengers, that's what they were, every single one of them. The shop manager must have sat in his office, watching these people on the shops security cameras laughing his socks off at their desperate scavenging.

For me when I need to go shopping, I go straight in get what I want and get out of the shop. If I can get something a bit cheaper that's great, but I wouldn't degrade myself like these people did to get myself at the front of the queue for a bargain.

Monday 5 December 2011

People moaning about Christmas

Walking around the shops recently I couldn't help but hear people moaning about Christmas. They were moaning about the all the fuss and cost just for one day of the year, yet there they were trolleys full of trees and decorations in the scrum of a supermarket! I agree that Christmas is over hyped and over commercialised, but that is only because deep down we enjoy it and with all the doom and gloom around, too right we should all enjoy it.

Christmas shouldn't be about the biggest tree with the most amount of lights as possible, nor should it be about expensive presents. Really it should be about getting together with family and friends and being grateful for the chance of being together. Forget about the stresses of everyday life, and for one day enjoy being together. If you feel the need to spend a handful of cash to decorate to get in the festive mood then do it, Christmas is the one day when we can all forget our troubles and celebrate.