Wednesday 22 February 2012

Transgender Children!

Just watching a morning TV show when they started a debate about trans gender children. Apparently the medical professions now recognise this and diagnose it as well. I was very shocked at this as I really think that at 8 years old, a child has not developed as a person enough to be categorised. I really think that children can experiment and be curious but its just to young to say that they were born with the wrong body!

The parent involved in the debate then bought her son on stage who was dressed as a girl, I found it slightly disturbing if I'm honest. The child made what seemed to be a mother prepared speech about being happy etc, I couldn't help feeling pity towards this child and anger at his parents.

I cant believe that people feel that its right to parade their children like this and encourage them to act and dress like the opposite age. When these children get older I support them to make their own decisions and show them selves as an individual, but 8 years old is far to young. In my opinion any mother who encourages their child to follow the road of the opposite sex are severely letting that child down.

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